dayaks and madurese of borneo
Order: Insectivora
* Echinosorex gymnurus: Moonrat. Thailand, Malay Peninsular, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan.
* Hylomys suillus: Lesser gymnure. China, Myanmar, Indochina, Thailand, Malay Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak.
* Suncus murinus: House shrew. Africa, Asia, Thailand, Malay Peninsular, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan.
* Suncus ater: Black shrew. Endemic to Borneo; known only from Gunong Kinabalu
* Suncus etruscus: Savi's pigmy shrew. Europe, Africa, Asia; Thailand, Malay Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak.
* Crocidura monticola: Sunda shrew. Java, Lombok, Sumba and Flores; Malay Peninsular, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan.
* Crocidura fuliginosa: South-east Asia white-toothed shrew. India, Indochina, Thailand, Malay Peninsular, Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan.
* Chimarrogale himalayica: Himalayan water shrew. Himalaya, south China, Southeast Asia, Japan, Sumatra and Sabah.
[edit] Order: Scandentia
* Ptilocercus lowii Pentail treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia glis Common treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia splendidula Ruddy treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia montana Mountain tree shrew. Local name is tupai gunung CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia minor Lesser treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia gracilis Slender treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia picta Painted treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia dorsails Striped treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Tupaia tana Large treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
* Dendrogale melanura Smooth-tailed treeshrew. CITES Appendix II
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