This time plan pemekaran have seen to mature where there are commission of pemekaran or of secretariat pemekaran having [its] office [in] samarinda, precisely [in] elephant road;street of mada the near by morning market. [Do] not difficult to find its address remain just dating to morning market and there [is] a ruko old ones and there [is] big name nameboard [of] bertulisan “ KPK” to enthusiastic contribute idea of unutk pemekaran of sub-province of kutai poetry please just dating to address [of] unutk discuse, Pemekaran very required in development [in] Kalimantan east because big regional luasan and accretion of resident amount which fast progressively. Problem of natural sumberdaya also become interesting topic because each;every area of mempuyai characteristic of sumberdaya natural which different each other
If dihat of facet of geografi sub-province of kutai poetry abut on sub-province of berau northside, sub-province of kutai east of sebebeh east, sub-province of kutai kertanegara northside and west. This sub-province consisting of 8 district of luasan mempuyai masing masing that is estuary of bengkal [about/around] 1.562.000 square Km, estuary of ancalaong [about/around] 3.241.000 square km, busang 3.721.000 square km, wahau [about/around] 5.724.000 square km, telen [about/around] 3.129.000 square km, konbeng [about/around] 581.000 square km and stone of ampar [about/around] 459.000 square km.
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