Acceptance of Sub-Province aid as referred to [at] Section 2 sentence ( 1) letter of b, covering earnings steming from :
a. part of acquirement of retribution and Iease ;
b. part of fund of monetary counter balance [of] area and center accepted by government of Sub-Province.
Earnings of countryside genuiness as referred to [at] Section 2 sentence ( 1) letter of e, representing good countryside loan with guarantee of agunan countryside asset and also on trust for the sake of payment of program development of countryside
Earnings of countryside genuiness as referred to [at] Section 2 sentence ( 1) letter a. Covering earnings steming from :
a. result of effort countryside ;
b. result of properties of countryside ;
c. self-supporting result and participation.
d. result of mutual assistance ; and.
e. others earnings of valid countryside genuiness.
Local Government or referred [as] [by] Government of Sub-Province, [is] Government Of Sub-Province of Kutai East ; Regional Leader or referred [as] [by] Regent, [is] Regent Sub-Province of Kutai East ; Countryside, [is] a[n unity of law society having formation pursuant to genesis rights having the character of special [in] Sub-Province environment of Kutai East ; Governmental [of] Countryside [is] Head Countryside and [his/its] Peripheral [in] Sub-Province of Kutai East Body Delegation of brief [by] Countryside [of] BPD, [is] Body Delegation of Countryside as is Legislative [of] Countryside placing Countryside society aspiration and observe management of Pemerintahaan Countryside [in] Sub-Province environment of Kutai East ; Properties of Countryside, [is] properties in form of movable goods and unmovable goods as source of production to Countryside [in] Sub-Province environment of Kutai East; Self-Supporting [of] society [is] society group kemampuansuatu wittingly and initiative alone perform [a] ichtiar toward accomplishment of requirement short-range and also long-range which felt in society group [in] Sub-Province of Kutai East; Mutual Assistance [is] countryside citizen cooperation form or between off the cuff countryside and institute and also contain reciprocal elements which have the character of voluntary with Government of Countryside to fulfill requirement which [is] and also insidentil have continuation [to] in order to improving prosperity with [in] Sub-Province of Kutai East ; Collection, [is] all good collection in form of object and also money or goods [done/conducted] by Government of Countryside pursuant to consideration of ability of economic sosisal [of] society [in] specified countryside [pass/through] Regulation of Countryside in order to make-up of management of Government of countryside and development of countryside [in] Sub-Province of Kutai East; Observation Of Source Earnings of Countryside and properties of countryside of[is hereinafter referred to as observation [is] inspection [done/conducted] by Body Delegation of Countryside in order to management of governance better [in] Sub-Province of Kutai East ; Result of Effort Countryside, [is] obtained acceptance from effort direct of acquirement
Forming of Countryside [is] to action perform [a] new Countryside [is] existing Countrysides region ;
Abolition of Countryside action negate existing Countryside ;
Merger of Countryside [is] penmyatuan two Countryside or more becoming one new Countryside ;
Preparation countryside [is] new Countryside [is] Countryside region as result of resolving to be improved to become selfsupporting Countryside.
Area or referred [as] [by] Sub-Province, [is] Sub-Province of Kutai East.
7:48 PM

edwin mba
borneo map
Government of Countryside [is] activity of governance executed by government of Countryside and Body Delegation of Countryside ;
Government of Countryside [is] Head Countryside and Peripheral of Countryside
Body Delegation of Countryside of[is hereinafter referred to as BPD [is] delegation body of functioning Countryside society citizen [of] mores mengayomi, making regulation of Countryside, accomodating and channelling society aspiration and also [do/conduct] observation to management of government of Countryside ;
Ministrant duty [is] assignation of Local Government to Countryside to execute certain duty which accompanied [by] pembiyaan, facilities and basic facilities and also human resource with obligation report its execution and response to assigning [it] ;
Rural Area [is] area having especial activity [is] including management of natural resources, with area function formation as place settlement of peDesaan, governmental service activities, social services and economic activity ;
7:46 PM

edwin mba
map of borneo
In this such By Law with :
Countryside [is] unity of law society owning and region of kewenangan to arrange and manage importance of local society pursuant to local mores and asal-usul which confessed in system Governance of National and reside in sub-province area;
District [is] region work Sub-Regency chief as peripheral of Area Sub-Province and Area Town;
7:44 PM

edwin mba
This time plan pemekaran have seen to mature where there are commission of pemekaran or of secretariat pemekaran having [its] office [in] samarinda, precisely [in] elephant road;street of mada the near by morning market. [Do] not difficult to find its address remain just dating to morning market and there [is] a ruko old ones and there [is] big name nameboard [of] bertulisan “ KPK” to enthusiastic contribute idea of unutk pemekaran of sub-province of kutai poetry please just dating to address [of] unutk discuse, Pemekaran very required in development [in] Kalimantan east because big regional luasan and accretion of resident amount which fast progressively. Problem of natural sumberdaya also become interesting topic because each;every area of mempuyai characteristic of sumberdaya natural which different each other
If dihat of facet of geografi sub-province of kutai poetry abut on sub-province of berau northside, sub-province of kutai east of sebebeh east, sub-province of kutai kertanegara northside and west. This sub-province consisting of 8 district of luasan mempuyai masing masing that is estuary of bengkal [about/around] 1.562.000 square Km, estuary of ancalaong [about/around] 3.241.000 square km, busang 3.721.000 square km, wahau [about/around] 5.724.000 square km, telen [about/around] 3.129.000 square km, konbeng [about/around] 581.000 square km and stone of ampar [about/around] 459.000 square km.
7:43 PM

edwin mba
discourse of Pemekaran have been long enough remained decision menungu of center. A lot need to be prepared in order to pemekaran of other anatra [of] human being sumberdaya, management of natural sumberdaya, and development of infrastructure a sub-province.
Empire of kutai represent empire of first hindu in Indonesia, this empire [of] berasala of tribe of kutai exist in Kalimantan east Capital of this empire that is estuary of Kaman later;then move to tengarong [in] river of Mahakam. Many inscription of this missing empire [of] colonization moment goodness and also after independence according to information a lot [is] brought out country by colonization of belanda and there are some important inscription or document [in] State of belanda.
7:41 PM

edwin mba
rumah kutai
Poetry Kutai or of kutai north represent sub-province plan pemekaran [in] sub-province of kutai east, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Sub-Province consist of 8 district that is :
1. Muarabengkal.
2. estuary of Ancalong.
3. Masangat Long.
4. Busang.
5. stone of Ampar.
6. Telen.
7. estuary of Wahau.
8. Konbeng.
Kutai merupakan suku bangsa dari pedalaman Kalimantan Timur, keberadaan mereka semenjak adanya kerajaan kutai di sebagai kerajaan hindu pertama di Indonesia.
Suku kutai tidak mau disamakan dengan suku dayak karena dari dasar keturunan mereka bukan serumpun dengan orang dayak. Bahasa kutai kebanyakan sama dengan bahasa melayu sedangkan dayak budayanya bukan melayu, jadi jangan salah lagi orang kutai bukan dayak. Kutai ada suku pertama di Kalimantan senelum ada pendatang baik dari banjar, bugis dayak, jawa. dan suku lain